50°Anniversario della Costituzione dell'Associazione ASSONAUTICA PROVINCIALE PALERMO

1974 – 2024

50° Anniversario di Assonautica

Un traguardo importante per Assonautica che festeggia i suoi 50 anni ….

Abbiamo discusso temi fondamentali per il futuro della nautica e del turismo a Palermo e in Sicilia, tra cui:
– Aggiornamento del piano regionale sul turismo;
– Nautica da diporto come traino economico;
– Progetto per la riqualificazione della Costa Sud di Palermo;
– Risanamento della struttura della Ex Chimica Arenella;
– Incentivi e risorse per le aree industriali e per il settore produttivo.

Foto dell'evento

Seacily Salone Nautico

Il Seacily, il più grande salone nautico siciliano, nasce per iniziativa di Assonautica Provinciale Palermo nel 2013. Coinvolgendo nel tempo importanti Enti e Istituzioni pubbliche, oltre ai principali operatori del settore, ha permesso nel corso degli anni la realizzazione di numerose attività importantissime, tese alla valorizzazione delle ricchezze paesaggistiche e culturali, includendo all’interno dei suoi programmi una serie di attività dirette ai bambini, nonché di spazi dedicati alla sensibilizzazione e alla tutela della risorsa marina.

Seacily Salone Nautico

Il Seacily, il più grande salone nautico siciliano, nasce per iniziativa di Assonautica Provinciale Palermo nel 2013. Coinvolgendo nel tempo importanti Enti e Istituzioni pubbliche, oltre ai principali operatori del settore, ha permesso nel corso degli anni la realizzazione di numerose attività importantissime, tese alla valorizzazione delle ricchezze paesaggistiche e culturali, includendo all’interno dei suoi programmi una serie di attività dirette ai bambini, nonché di spazi dedicati alla sensibilizzazione e alla tutela della risorsa marina.


La 5ª edizione del Seacily – Salone Nautico siciliano, si è svolta a Palermo dal 3 al 6 novembre 2022 nella splendida cornice di Marina Villa Igiea. La manifestazione che coinvolge le eccellenze della nautica, tutti gli appassionati di mare e non solo ha l’obiettivo di coltivare e rinnovare l’interesse comune per il settore della nautica nel suo complesso, con il proposito di incentivare la salvaguardia e il rispetto della risorsa mare.

Chi ha partecipato

Sponsor e Partners

Alcune foto del Seacily 2022

Iniziative di Assonautica

Plastic Free
Giornate dedicate all’educazione al rispetto del territorio e dell’ambiente marino procedendo anche alla pulizia dei litorali e la raccolta dei rifiuti
Plastic Free
Giornate dedicate all’educazione al rispetto del territorio e dell’ambiente marino procedendo anche alla pulizia dei litorali e la raccolta dei rifiuti
Plastic Free
Giornate dedicate all’educazione al rispetto del territorio e dell’ambiente marino procedendo anche alla pulizia dei litorali e la raccolta dei rifiuti

Chi siamo

L’Assonautica provinciale di Palermo, associazione senza scopo di lucro costituita nel 1974 e promossa dalla Camera del Commercio dell’Industria e dell’Artigianato di Palermo ed Enna, è una delle numerose sezioni provinciali dell’Assonautica Italiana. Esercita tutte le attività necessarie allo sviluppo della nautica da diporto, promuove il turismo nautico e tutte le attività economiche, produttive e sociali ad esso collegate per qualificare e incrementare l’attività del settore. Fin dal momento della sua fondazione ha puntato all’attivazione di una vasta gamma di servizi assistenziali e di consulenza da offrire a tutti i diportisti nautici.
Partner & Sponsor

I nostri contatti

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Friday, 17 December 2019

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Lunch break
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Saturday, 18 December 2019

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Lunch break
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Sunday, 19 December 2019

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Lunch break
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Event Speakers

Nimrod Barshad
Sculptor, Conceptual Artist
Nimrod Barshad
Painter, Conceptual Artist
Tommy Martinez
Painter, Conceptual Artist

Basic Plan

$ 199
  • Entrance
  • Free Lunch & Snacks
  • Custom Badge
  • One Workshop

All prices exclude 25% VAT

Pro Plan

$ 399
  • Entrance
  • Free Lunch & Snacks
  • Posters Session
  • Talk to the Editors Session

All prices exclude 25% VAT

Vip Plan

$ 599
  • Comfortable Seat
  • Access To Artists Meeting
  • Custom Badge
  • Certificate

All prices exclude 25% VAT


@2021 Assonautica Palermo. Tutti i diritti riservati.